Makeover Alert: Meet Our New Recipe Cards

Everyone’s style is bound to change over the years, right? We are super excited to launch our new and improved recipe cards. Be on the lookout for our fresh design in your next box. Here’s what we changed:


Now we have handy symbols to callout various allergens/ingredients within our recipes. Everytime you see a grey circle next to an ingredient, that’s our way of communicating that there’s something in it that you may want to be cautious of or avoid depending on your dietary needs and preferences. There will always be a key underneath the ingredient list to help define each symbol.

Calories, Category, and Spiciness

We’ve added in three circles below each dish’s photo. The first circle acts as an easy spot to locate the calories per serving. The second circle denotes what type of recipe the meal is, whether it is Kid Friendly, a Hall of Fame dish, one of our Global Flavors, or another delicious category. Our hope is that this circle serves as a resource for deciding which flavors you want to cook up first each week! Lastly, in the third circle you’ll notice a new pepper icon. This is where we will now include the spice level of each recipe. A mostly transparent pepper means that the spice level is low, while a fully colored in pepper indicates that the dish is bringing the heat! Plus, in the list of ingredients we’ve gone ahead and put a little pepper next to the specifically spicy elements(s) so that you can omit them if need be. 

Personalized Protein Square

Taking a look at the back of our recipe cards, some of our recipes might have a Personalized Proteins! box. If you ordered a dish and swapped or upgraded your protein (go you for being picky!), this is where we provide you with customized instructions. Look out for the special symbol (shown below) that is reminder of when to refer to the special directions that cater to your preferences.

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